German Studies

German is your key to Europe. German is spoken not only in Germany, home to about 84 million people, but also in Austria, Switzerland, and throughout the European Union as well as in Scandinavia. Its variations are present in South America, Asia, Africa and in the US, given histories of migration, colonization, and trade that mark German-speaking international and cross-cultural pasts and communities to this day. Significantly, German is a lingua franca of Eastern Europe, thanks to Germany’s long standing political and economic ties with the countries of the former Eastern bloc and Eastern Europe’s importance for the European Union. The US, too, count German in their multilingual landscape, since over 50 million US Americans have German ancestry.

German-speaking countries or regions and communities have rich and diverse histories and cultures. UConn’s German Studies Section offers a cutting-edge, well-designed and rewarding program, with a B.A. in German Studies; a double major or dual degree of your choice; or a dual degree in German Studies and Engineering (EUROTECH) or in German Studies and Business (EUROBIZ). Study abroad experiences are generously supported by the German state of Baden-Württemberg. The German Studies program also houses an internationally renowned graduate program, with an MA or a PhD leading to excellent careers within and outside of academia.

At UConn

  • the German Studies program starts with YOU: what are your goals, questions, curiosities?
  • our goal is to prepare you for intercultural dialog, locally, nationally, and internationally
  • we foster intercultural citizenship, engaging with the world around you
  • we support an integrated, interdisciplinary curriculum that allows you to use all of your cumulative experiences, your skills and knowledge 
  • your immediate applications of German Studies include daily interactions, travel, study abroad, preparation for graduate school and potential work in German-language contexts and cultures – and much more
  • we regularly update our classes to emphasize acquisition of intercultural abilities, critical thinking, digital skill sets, and the study of history, culture, and everyday life in today’s complex world: elements that are pivotal in a global environment
  • we pay attention to the social and cultural functions of language and communication: you speak German differently to your German friend’s parent or to the boss of your company than to your friend
  • we help you secure grants, fellowships, internships, and other opportunities to support your individual goals within and beyond your majors and minor areas of study.

In an increasingly interconnected world, you can apply these abilities not just in your future career and not just in German-speaking countries; they will also assist you when exploring other countries, cultures, and languages, including the U.S.

The German Program at the University of Connecticut is nationally known for offering programs with excellent career and/or research preparation, including studying and working abroad:

The EUROTECH Program: Combine your study in Engineering and in German Studies (B.A. + B.S.)

The EUROBIZ Program:  Combine your study at the Business School with German Studies (B.A. + B.S.)

Study Abroad Opportunities: study at 9 outstanding universities (4 of them are “Universities of Excellence”) in the state of Baden-Württemberg with UConn’s award-winning Baden-Württemberg Program (Freiburg, Heidelberg, Hohenheim, Karlsruhe, Konstanz, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Tübingen, Ulm); or in Berlin.